Projekt: Sabeth Wiese
About Kreativbranche II: unglitched but shit
JUL 2023
Vor anderthalb Jahren habe ich meinen → ersten Artikel für Gestalt Error 409 begonnen mit dem Satz: “Wenn ich die About Texte von Agenturen lese, überkommt mich oft eine leidenschaftliche Mischung aus Faszination, Irritation und Fassungslosigkeit – ein schaurig schönes Gruseln.” Abendelang habe ich das Feuerwerk von Selbstbeschreibungen bestaunt, die Texte gesammelt sowie kategorisiert und anschließend die Runway KI damit gefüttert.
Jetzt ist es wohl Zeit für eine neue Runde – KI ist in aller Munde, niemand kommt mehr an ChatGPT vorbei. Doch hier entlarvt sich weniger die Kreativbranche, als viel mehr ChatGPT sich selbst. Die Maschine als maßloser Übertreiber, als pathetsche Nervensäge, die kaum zu bändigen ist – und wir alle entlarven uns als Datenbasis, die für so etwas die Grundlage bietet.
Die folgenden Texte sind zwar einerseits bewusste Absurditäten, andererseits aber auch Nebenprodukte bei dem Versuch etwas Brauchbares zu erzeugen. Und es schmerzt mich, dass es am Ende Prompts sind wie “dry and boring” und “im Style von Mc Kinsey”, die zu etwas führen, das mir mal nicht die Eingeweide verdreht. Was jedoch milde stimmt: die Möglichkeit alles und jede Banalität in zarter Gedichtform zu kommunizieren. Oder um es mit ChatGPT zu sagen: In a future adorned with poetic grace, AI's verses paint every corporate space. From customers to shareholders, a symphony of rhyme, Communication transformed, forever sublime.
Prompt: Imagine you're a design agency with a team of 20 motivated designers. They are specialized in digital and graphic design, working on digital services as Apps, interactive website, they also work in branding, creating visual identities, brand experiences, company internal magazines, they also do UX texting. Their clients are major established consumer goods companies as well as innovative young technology brands. Even when all projects and processes are tailored to the client's needs, their approach often includes a user analysis, with interviews or a desk research and a workshop as a method for co-creation. Their clients win awards like the German design award or the IF award about three times per year.
Write me an about text. Use 50 words.
Our design agency is a powerhouse of creativity, specializing in digital and graphic design. With a team of 20 talented designers, we deliver exceptional solutions tailored to your brand's needs. From captivating brand identities to immersive user experiences, we bring your vision to life. Trust us to elevate your brand through impactful design.
Use the metaphor of a pizza.
Our design agency is like a delectable pizza, crafted with passion and precision. With a team of 20 talented designers, we knead together the perfect blend of creativity and strategy, resulting in designs that are as satisfying as a mouthwatering slice. Our designs are customized to suit your unique taste, delivering a delightful visual feast that leaves a lasting impression. Trust us to be your "design pizzaiolos", creating a round design heaven that will have your brand savored and celebrated by all.
Give me a description using the communication style of Apple.
Welcome to our design agency, where creativity and innovation intertwine to shape extraordinary experiences. With a team of 20 visionary designers, we redefine the boundaries of digital and graphic design. Our meticulous craftsmanship and attention to detail are at the core of every project, ensuring seamless integration of aesthetics and functionality. From immersive digital services to captivating brand identities, we create designs that resonate on a profound level. Join us in our pursuit of excellence, where imagination takes flight and the extraordinary becomes the norm. Step into a world of limitless possibilities, where innovation meets artistry at our design agency.
Give me a description in the Style of Kafka. Please give me the answer in german.
In den Wirren der Designlandschaft erhebt sich unsere Agentur als ein mysteriöser Protagonist, der durch die düsteren Korridore der Kreativität wandert. Mit einem Team von zwanzig Designern lösen wir die Rätsel des digitalen und grafischen Designs und erschaffen kunstvolle Meisterwerke. Unsere Werke sind wie flüchtige Schatten, die die Wahrnehmung herausfordern und den Betrachter in einen Bann ziehen. In unseren Prozessen erkunden wir die Tiefen des Design-Daseins, enthüllen verborgene Wahrheiten und provozieren existenzielle Reflexionen. Willkommen in unserer Welt des Designs, wo das Gewöhnliche ins Unbekannte übergeht und die Grenzen des Möglichen verwischen.
Give me a description that is very dry and boring.
Our design agency provides digital and graphic design services. With a team of 20 designers, we deliver solutions tailored to client specifications. Our process involves gathering requirements, creating designs, and implementing them. We aim to meet client expectations and deliver satisfactory results. Contact us for your design needs.
Prompt: Give me a description using a story of finding a way through a maze.
In the labyrinth of design choices, our agency is your guiding light, leading you towards success. Like skilled navigators, our team of 20 designers expertly chart a path through the intricate maze of creativity. We understand that every twist and turn presents an opportunity, and with our expertise, we help you find the way. Together, we uncover the hidden passages of innovation, crafting designs that captivate and inspire. Trust us to navigate the complexities, turning challenges into triumphs as we guide your brand towards a clear and remarkable destination. Let us be your compass in the design maze, guiding you towards success.
Make it the worst description you can imagine, so nobody would hire us.
Our design agency is just like any other. With a team of 20 designers, we offer average digital and graphic design services. Our work is uninspired and lacks creativity, resulting in forgettable designs that blend into the background. We have no strategy or understanding of industry trends, and our processes are chaotic and disorganized. If you're looking for mediocre results and a lackluster experience, look no further. Choose our agency if you want your brand to be indistinguishable and your competitors to shine.
Give me a 70 word description of the agency for potential clients in style of a poem with rhymes.
Welcome to our design domain, where creativity knows no restrain.
With 20 skilled designers at our core, we craft designs you'll adore.
From digital wonders to graphic art, we'll make your brand stand apart.
With passion and flair, we'll create with care, ensuring your vision is brought to bear.
Let us weave the threads of visual delight, and make your brand shine bright.
Join us on this creative quest, where imagination is truly blessed.
Let it sound like a McKinsey Presentation.
Our design agency offers unrivaled expertise in digital and graphic design, delivering exceptional solutions tailored to the unique needs of our clients. With a team of 20 highly skilled designers, we combine cutting-edge methodologies with deep industry insights to create impactful brand identities, engaging user experiences, and innovative digital services. Our client-centric approach, backed by rigorous research and analysis, ensures that our designs drive measurable results and provide a competitive advantage. Partner with our agency to unlock the full potential of your brand and stay ahead in today's dynamic business landscape.
Give me description, where every sentence has at least two metaphors.
Our design agency is a shining star in the creative galaxy, illuminating brands with our artistic brilliance. With a team of 20 visionary designers, we are the architects of visual dreams, sculpting digital masterpieces that dance with the grace of a symphony. Our designs are like vibrant tapestries, weaving stories and emotions into the fabric of your brand's identity. We are the navigators of user experiences, guiding audiences through immersive landscapes of interactive bliss. Join us on this enchanting journey and let us paint a captivating portrait of your brand's success, where imagination knows no limits.
Ehrlich gesagt habe ich sonst nichts dazu zu sagen, was nicht überall und konstant auf anderen Kanälen geschrieben, gepodcasted, diskutiert, nervenaufreibend hysterisch vermutet oder enthusiastisch kommentiert wurde wurde. :)
Projekt: Sabeth Wiese
About Kreativbranche II: unglitched but shit
JUL 2023
Vor anderthalb Jahren habe ich meinen → ersten Artikel für Gestalt Error 409 begonnen mit dem Satz: “Wenn ich die About Texte von Agenturen lese, überkommt mich oft eine leidenschaftliche Mischung aus Faszination, Irritation und Fassungslosigkeit – ein schaurig schönes Gruseln.” Abendelang habe ich das Feuerwerk von Selbstbeschreibungen bestaunt, die Texte gesammelt sowie kategorisiert und anschließend die Runway KI damit gefüttert.
Jetzt ist es wohl Zeit für eine neue Runde – KI ist in aller Munde, niemand kommt mehr an ChatGPT vorbei. Doch hier entlarvt sich weniger die Kreativbranche, als viel mehr ChatGPT sich selbst. Die Maschine als maßloser Übertreiber, als pathetsche Nervensäge, die kaum zu bändigen ist – und wir alle entlarven uns als Datenbasis, die für so etwas die Grundlage bietet.
Die folgenden Texte sind zwar einerseits bewusste Absurditäten, andererseits aber auch Nebenprodukte bei dem Versuch etwas Brauchbares zu erzeugen. Und es schmerzt mich, dass es am Ende Prompts sind wie “dry and boring” und “im Style von Mc Kinsey”, die zu etwas führen, das mir mal nicht die Eingeweide verdreht. Was jedoch milde stimmt: die Möglichkeit alles und jede Banalität in zarter Gedichtform zu kommunizieren. Oder um es mit ChatGPT zu sagen: In a future adorned with poetic grace, AI's verses paint every corporate space. From customers to shareholders, a symphony of rhyme, Communication transformed, forever sublime.
Prompt: Imagine you're a design agency with a team of 20 motivated designers. They are specialized in digital and graphic design, working on digital services as Apps, interactive website, they also work in branding, creating visual identities, brand experiences, company internal magazines, they also do UX texting. Their clients are major established consumer goods companies as well as innovative young technology brands. Even when all projects and processes are tailored to the client's needs, their approach often includes a user analysis, with interviews or a desk research and a workshop as a method for co-creation. Their clients win awards like the German design award or the IF award about three times per year.
Our design agency is a powerhouse of creativity, specializing in digital and graphic design. With a team of 20 talented designers, we deliver exceptional solutions tailored to your brand's needs. From captivating brand identities to immersive user experiences, we bring your vision to life. Trust us to elevate your brand through impactful design.
Use the metaphor of a pizza.
Our design agency is like a delectable pizza, crafted with passion and precision. With a team of 20 talented designers, we knead together the perfect blend of creativity and strategy, resulting in designs that are as satisfying as a mouthwatering slice. Our designs are customized to suit your unique taste, delivering a delightful visual feast that leaves a lasting impression. Trust us to be your "design pizzaiolos", creating a round design heaven that will have your brand savored and celebrated by all.
Give me a description using the communication style of Apple.
Welcome to our design agency, where creativity and innovation intertwine to shape extraordinary experiences. With a team of 20 visionary designers, we redefine the boundaries of digital and graphic design. Our meticulous craftsmanship and attention to detail are at the core of every project, ensuring seamless integration of aesthetics and functionality. From immersive digital services to captivating brand identities, we create designs that resonate on a profound level. Join us in our pursuit of excellence, where imagination takes flight and the extraordinary becomes the norm. Step into a world of limitless possibilities, where innovation meets artistry at our design agency.
Give me a description in the Style of Kafka. Please give me the answer in german.
In den Wirren der Designlandschaft erhebt sich unsere Agentur als ein mysteriöser Protagonist, der durch die düsteren Korridore der Kreativität wandert. Mit einem Team von zwanzig Designern lösen wir die Rätsel des digitalen und grafischen Designs und erschaffen kunstvolle Meisterwerke. Unsere Werke sind wie flüchtige Schatten, die die Wahrnehmung herausfordern und den Betrachter in einen Bann ziehen. In unseren Prozessen erkunden wir die Tiefen des Design-Daseins, enthüllen verborgene Wahrheiten und provozieren existenzielle Reflexionen. Willkommen in unserer Welt des Designs, wo das Gewöhnliche ins Unbekannte übergeht und die Grenzen des Möglichen verwischen.
Give me a description that is very dry and boring.
Our design agency provides digital and graphic design services. With a team of 20 designers, we deliver solutions tailored to client specifications. Our process involves gathering requirements, creating designs, and implementing them. We aim to meet client expectations and deliver satisfactory results. Contact us for your design needs.
Prompt: Give me a description using a story of finding a way through a maze.
In the labyrinth of design choices, our agency is your guiding light, leading you towards success. Like skilled navigators, our team of 20 designers expertly chart a path through the intricate maze of creativity. We understand that every twist and turn presents an opportunity, and with our expertise, we help you find the way. Together, we uncover the hidden passages of innovation, crafting designs that captivate and inspire. Trust us to navigate the complexities, turning challenges into triumphs as we guide your brand towards a clear and remarkable destination. Let us be your compass in the design maze, guiding you towards success.
Make it the worst description you can imagine, so nobody would hire us.
Our design agency is just like any other. With a team of 20 designers, we offer average digital and graphic design services. Our work is uninspired and lacks creativity, resulting in forgettable designs that blend into the background. We have no strategy or understanding of industry trends, and our processes are chaotic and disorganized. If you're looking for mediocre results and a lackluster experience, look no further. Choose our agency if you want your brand to be indistinguishable and your competitors to shine.
Give me a 70 word description of the agency for potential clients in style of a poem with rhymes.
Welcome to our design domain, where creativity knows no restrain.
With 20 skilled designers at our core, we craft designs you'll adore.
From digital wonders to graphic art, we'll make your brand stand apart.
With passion and flair, we'll create with care, ensuring your vision is brought to bear.
Let us weave the threads of visual delight, and make your brand shine bright.
Join us on this creative quest, where imagination is truly blessed.
Let it sound like a McKinsey Presentation.
Our design agency offers unrivaled expertise in digital and graphic design, delivering exceptional solutions tailored to the unique needs of our clients. With a team of 20 highly skilled designers, we combine cutting-edge methodologies with deep industry insights to create impactful brand identities, engaging user experiences, and innovative digital services. Our client-centric approach, backed by rigorous research and analysis, ensures that our designs drive measurable results and provide a competitive advantage. Partner with our agency to unlock the full potential of your brand and stay ahead in today's dynamic business landscape.
Give me description, where every sentence has at least two metaphors.
Our design agency is a shining star in the creative galaxy, illuminating brands with our artistic brilliance. With a team of 20 visionary designers, we are the architects of visual dreams, sculpting digital masterpieces that dance with the grace of a symphony. Our designs are like vibrant tapestries, weaving stories and emotions into the fabric of your brand's identity. We are the navigators of user experiences, guiding audiences through immersive landscapes of interactive bliss. Join us on this enchanting journey and let us paint a captivating portrait of your brand's success, where imagination knows no limits.
Ehrlich gesagt habe ich sonst nichts dazu zu sagen, was nicht überall und konstant auf anderen Kanälen geschrieben, gepodcasted, diskutiert, nervenaufreibend hysterisch vermutet oder enthusiastisch kommentiert wurde wurde. :)
ESSAY Paternalistisches Design? – Wenn Nudging sozial wird Niklas Jung
ILLUSTRATION In Design Limbo Pt.3 Mira Schleinig
BEOBACHTUNG Erfahrungsbericht VW in Wolfsburg 409
USE »Atemberaubend, oder?« Eine Apple Vision Pro Rezension Jakob Nonnen
ESSAY Extended Creativity: a Human Centered Approach to Working with AI Felix Dölker
USE The Curious Case of the TrackPoint ChatGPT & Sabeth Wiese
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USE Traumreise in die Unterwelt Sabeth Wiese
BEOBACHTUNG Erfahrungsbericht Bauhaus Dessau 409
INTERVIEW Fünf Fragen zu Symbiosis – Living together Carl F. Then
INTERVIEW Five Questions on the University of Brighton Design Archives Sue Breakell
READ Backstage Talks Magazine Sabeth Wiese
ESSAY Zu Design und Utopie. Ein essayistisches Plädoyer Fabio Sacher
PROJEKT About Kreativbranche II: unglitched but shit Sabeth Wiese
PROJEKT Scherben Sammeln? Mudlarking Charlotte Bluhme
INTERVIEW Über die Grenzen des Designs Constanze Buckenlei und Marco Kellhammer
BEOBACHTUNG Eva Illouz und die Wurzeln der Experience Sabeth Wiese
ESSAY The Rise of Designforschung – Goodbye Autorendesign? Carl F. Then
USE DB, warum lässt du mich so sitzen? Sabeth Wiese
ESSAY Crypto Aesthetics Johannes Wilke
USE Der geschenkte Wasserfilter Franziska Porsch
READ Geschichte des Designs Carl F. Then
INTERVIEW About Design at Olivetti Pietro Cesari
USE Liebeserklärung an das Mono A Sabeth Wiese
BEOBACHTUNG Erfahrungsbericht Vitra Campus 409
INTERVIEW Fünf Fragen zu Hans "Nick" Roerichts Archiv Viktoria Lea Heinrich
ESSAY Gendered Embodiment through Designed Objects Anis Anais Looalian
BEOBACHTUNG Inside BWL Sabeth Wiese
INTERVIEW Fünf Fragen zu Designmanifesten Prof. Dr. Daniel Hornuff
ZITATE Designliteratur in Zitaten 409
ILLUSTRATION In Design Limbo Pt.2 Mira Schleinig
WATCH Design is [messy] Carl F. Then
PROJEKT Umwandlungen. Gestaltung mit einem Insekt Simon Schmalhorst
INTERVIEW Über Designliteratur Helge Aszmoneit
READ Wie eine Person zu einem Nutzer wurde Franziska Porsch
PROJEKT Glitched about Kreativbranche Sabeth Wiese
ILLLUSTRATION In Design Limbo Pt.1 Mira Schleinig
READ Artificial Intelligence. A Guide for Thinking Humans Carl F. Then
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